That price that you say can close with others only rent one room door , you are best after house property intermediary watchs detailed news near preexistence , redo decides 你所说的那个价格只能和别人合租一室户了,你最好先在四周房产中介去看看具体信息之后再做决定。
Here suburb that i stay in still is a country , room door also wants 800 , one hall also is in one room 1000 above , one hall also is in two rooms 1500 the left and right sides , this is lowermost standard 我住的这里郊区还是农村,一室户也要八百,一室一厅也在1000以上,两室一厅也在1500左右,这都是最低标准。
Sought a lot of room , do not know now is to do not have room of summer vacation time not much still be one room door very few really , often seek the room that is less than ideal , moved should move the thought of pudong 找了好多房子,不知道现在是没有到暑假时间房子不多还是一室户真的就很少,老是找不到理想的房间,都动了要搬家到浦东的念头了。