

发音:   用"室内净高"造句
  • ceiling height
  • interior net storey height
  • interiornetstoreyheight


        室内:    indoor; interior
        净高:    clear height
        车内净高:    grounding chanin; interior height
        净高:    [建筑] clear height
        净高;净高度:    clear height
        净高度:    clear height; d k clear cw eight
        室净高:    net room height
        国内净产出:    net domestic product(ndp)
        国内净产值:    net domestic product
        机内净化:    internal purification
        坞内净宽:    net width between wing walls
        室内:    indoor; interior◇室内安全梯 interior escape stair; 室内布线 indoor wiring; 室内场地 indoor sports ground; 室内工作 office work; 室内溜冰场 indoor skating rink; 室内设施 inside plant; 室内天线 indoor aerial; 室内田径运动会 indoor track; 室内音乐 chamber music; 室内音乐会 chamber-music concert; 室内游泳池 natatorium; indoor swimming pool; 室内运动 indoor sport; 室内栽培 indoor growing; 室内照明 indoor illumination; interior illumination; interior lighting; 室内植物 houseplant; 室内装璜 upholster; 室内装饰 interior decoration; 室内装饰品(台布、窗帘、地毯等) upholstery; 室内装修 interior [house] decoration; home-decorating; 室内作业 office operations
        超障净高度:    oca obstacle clearance altitude
        顶部净高度:    toclearance
        房间净高:    stud
        房间净高度:    studding
        甲板下净高:    head room
        净高峰流量:    net peak flow
        离地净高:    ground clearance; groundclearance
        门净高度:    clear door height
        桥下净高:    clear headway of bridge
        梯段净高:    headroom of flight; headroomofflight
        桥梁出水净高:    head room under a bridge
        土的骨架净高:    reduced height of soil
        清净高雅粉水晶:    clean elegant pink crystal



  1. "室内景物"英文
  2. "室内静坐罢工"英文
  3. "室内静坐抗议"英文
  4. "室内镜"英文
  5. "室内竞赛场"英文
  6. "室内均衡"英文
  7. "室内开关"英文
  8. "室内开关装置"英文
  9. "室内康乐设备;室内康乐设施"英文
  10. "室内康乐中心"英文


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