

发音:   用"宣传目的"造句


  1. They believed bayern ' s explanation that the meeting had only taken place for " informational purposes "
    他们相信拜仁的解释,此次会晤只是为了“宣传目的” 。
  2. The delivering of milk powder by no means achieves any sort of propaganda purpose , nor will it become any sort of noble symbol ; delivering milk powder is just the goal


        宣传:    conduct propaganda; propagat ...
        目的:    purpose; aim; goal; objectiv ...
        推广宣传目的:    promotional purposes
        电传目的地编码:    tdc telex destination code
        电传目的地编码,电传宿端码:    tdc telex destination code
        宣传:    conduct propagandapropagatedisseminategive publicity to
        目的:    purpose; aim; goal; objective; end 目的与手段 ends and means; 达到目的 attain one's objective; 怀着不可告人的目的 harbour evil intentions; have ulterior motives; 人生的主要目的 the chief end of life; 为了军事上的目的 for military purposes; 他揭露了这场战争的真正目的。 he exposed the true aims of the war.; 目的港 port of destination; 目的格 [语言学] destinative; objective; 目的性 teleonomy; 目的站 destination station
        宣传员 宣传的:    propagandist
        暗宣传:    black propaganda
        传播,宣传:    propagation
        大宣传:    drive
        反宣传:    1.(相反的宣传) counterpropaganda2.(造谣中伤) slander campaign◇反宣传广告 anticommercial
        公布, 宣传:    give publicity to
        宣传板:    publicity board
        宣传部:    a413; propaganda department; publicity department
        宣传册:    brochure; e-catalogue
        宣传车:    bandwagon; mobile library; mobile louderspeaker; propa
        宣传处:    pps
        宣传戳:    slogan mark
        宣传袋:    actan; sacramento; secure future
        宣传单:    hand bill
        宣传的:    propagandist; tendencious
        宣传队:    propaganda team 文艺宣传队 performing arts propaganda team
        宣传费:    propaganda expense; publicity expe es; publicity expenses
        宣传画:    poster


  1. "宣传媒介,手段"英文
  2. "宣传模式"英文
  3. "宣传模特儿"英文
  4. "宣传内容"英文
  5. "宣传年"英文
  6. "宣传努力工作的原则"英文
  7. "宣传片"英文
  8. "宣传品"英文


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