客运: passenger transport; passeng ...码头: wharf; dock; hoverport; pier ...中国客运码头: hong kong china ferry terminal货运码头;码头: wharf渡运码头: ferry wharf海运码头: ocean terminal, hong kong; sea terminal货运码头: cargo wharf; freight pier; freight terminal; goods station; wharf煤转运码头: staith水运码头: port handling river cargo转运码头: staithe海洋转运码头: ocean terminal内河货运码头: river trade terminal深水转运码头: deep water terminal; deepwater terminal水陆联运码头: dock for joint land and water transport service装卸转运码头: staith海运码头经营者: vessel operation mto伦敦国际货运码头: london international freight terminal煤的装卸转运码头: staith铁路水路联运码头: rail and water terminal; rail-water terminal屯门内河货运码头: tuen mun river trade terminal英国货运码头局: british transport docks board内河码头;内河货运码头: river trade terminal格拉斯哥国际货运码头: glasgow international freight terminal内河货运码头有限公司: river trade terminal company limited屯门38区内河货运码头: river trade terminal (area 38, tuen mun)