- interrogate prisoners of war
- 审讯: interrogate; try; inquest
- 俘虏: capture; take prisoner
- 俘虏: 1.(俘获) capture; take prisoner 俘虏许多敌人 capture a large number of enemy troops2.(被俘的敌人) captive; captured personnel; prisoner of war (p.o.w.) 抓了几个俘虏 capture some enemy soldiers as prisoners of war; 俘虏政策 prisoner-of-war policy; the policy to captives
- 审讯: [法律] interrogate; try; inquest 审讯俘虏 interrogate prisoners of war; 审讯笔录 hearing record; 审讯方法 method of interrogation; 审讯记录 record of trial; 审讯阶段 stage of trial; 审讯日期 hearing time; 审讯形式 mode of trial
- 被俘虏: captured