审定: authorize; examine and appro ...穴位: acupuncture point; acupoint的: 4次方是 The fourth power of 2 i ...方法: method; means; way; techniqu ...审定穴位: locate points鼻部特定穴位: certain points on the nose; certain points on thenose定穴: locate points不同持牌人分时使用摊位的方法: time-sharing of sites穴位刺激方法: point-stimulating therapy穴位剌激方法: point-stimulating therapy面向位的方案: hdlc; sdlc找到穴位的最佳部位: find correct locatino of points摆脱的方法: a way out不同的方法: different approaches; different method; diverse ways测定的方法: method for measuring错误的方法: on the wrong lines打开的方法: destructive method代数的方法: algebraic method典型的方法: typical method定点的方法: point specification method独特的方法: unique process镀铜的方法: copper coating对话的方法: approach to dialogue对象的方法: oom多种的方法: wide ranges of approaches