Two weeks before the trial, at discovery proceedings, defendant's counsel had objected to the fbi document and made a pretrial motion to have it barred from evidence . 开庭前两周,被告律师在审前的案情介绍会议上曾对联邦调查局的书面证据提出异议,要求将它排除在证据之外。
A reaearch on the pre - civil trial preparatory procedure 民事审前准备程序研究
Firstly , research situations of applying pretrial procedure 第一,适用审前准备程序的调查情况。
Secondly , introspection to the pretrial procedure of our country 第二,对我国审前准备程序的反思。
Role and improvement of preparatory procedure before civil trial 民事诉讼审前准备程序的功能及制度完善