实验站: experiment centre场: a level open space; threshin ...实验站: experiment station; experimental establishment; experimental station航空实验站: air experimental station河床实验站: river bed experimental station径流实验站: experimental watershed; runoff experimental station矿山实验站: mines experiment station农业实验站: agricultural experiment station燃料实验站: fuel experimental station水库实验站: reservoir experiment station虚拟实验站: virtual experiment station沼泽实验站: marshland experiment station劳伦斯实验站: lawrence experiment station亚米斯实验站: ames experiment station站场: station yard; terminal yard拉洛基园艺实验站: laloki horticultural research station里瑟原子实验站: riso atomforsogsstation水土保持实验站: experiment station of water and soil conservation卫星通信实验站: experimental satellite communication ground station阿蒂拉努塞农业实验站: atilanousse station experimentale a gricole d'; atilanousse, station experimentale a gricole d'; station experimentale a gricole d' atilanousse货站场: goods depot检验站: check point; greenhouse; test house试验站: experiment station; experimental establishment; experimental station; field station; pilot station; test house; test post; test station; testing plant; testing station; trial station地球站场地: earth station site铁路站场: rail yard; railway yard