The " digital lab techniques manual " is a series of ten videos designed to help you prepare for your chemistry laboratory class 在数位实验技巧指南是设计来帮助你准备你的化学课程的一系列影片(共有10部份) 。
A companion to basic histological techniques demonstrating how tissues are fixed , embedded , sectioned , mounted and stained in preparation for viewing in the electron microscope 利用电子显微镜观察细胞组织如何进行固定术、植入固定、切割、制作涂片及染色法等实验技巧。
This course is an intensive introduction to the techniques of experimental chemistry and gives first year students an opportunity to learn and master the basic chemistry lab techniques for carrying out experiments 此课程密集介绍化学实验技巧并给第一年的学生有机会去学习并精通基础的化学实验技巧以完成实验。
The objective of our physics programme is to enable students , through lectures , laboratories , group discussions , and various student - centred learning opportunities , to have a good grasp of fundamental knowledge and general methods , and to appreciate and understand their important applications in modern society 因此本系课程设立的要旨在藉讲授、实验、小组讨论、研讨会及专题研习等方式使同学了解基础物理原理和定律、熟习常用的理论方法和实验技巧、并掌握现代科学知识,以用于分析和克服新的挑战,有助于他们日后在科研或其他工作领域上作出贡献。
Bioenergetics discusses the principle of biological energy and various biochemical processes related to energy transformation . metabolism and its regulation deals with the metabolism of biomolecules and its regulation . methods in biochemistry provides basic training in the applications of biochemical methods in the qualitative and quantitative estimation of biologically active molecules 生物化学细胞基础阐述细胞的结构、成分及其功能;生物分子入门介绍体内各种生物分子的结构和特性及其与生物功能的关系;生物能量学探讨生物能量的原理,以及各种与能量转化有关的生化过程;代谢调控机理使学生深入了解生物分子的新陈代谢及其调节控制;生物化学方法使学生掌握分析生物系统及其成分的实验技巧;蛋白质与
实验: experiment; test; trial run技巧: skill; technique; craftsmans ...熟练测验技巧: test wiseness实验技师: lab technician实验技术: experimental technique; laboratory technique低温实验技术: biological cryo freezing drying technology; cryo experimentation technology风洞实验技术: wind-tunnel technique实验技术基础: the foundations of experimental technique医学实验技术: e. medical laboratory technology电磁测量实验技术: computer control system in power plants; electromagnetic measurement experiment & technology电工实验技术基础: electrical engineering practice; experiment technology of electrical engineering生理学实验技术: physiological experimental technology实验技能教学考试: experiment examinations实验技术奖励方案: experimental technology incentives programme实验技术强化计划: experimental technology incentives program实验技术与管理: experimental technology and management实验室试验技术: laboratory testing technique数位测量实验技术: experimental technique of digital measuring数位测试实验技术: experimental technique of digital testing数字测量实验技术: experimental technique of digital measuring数字测试实验技术: experimental technique of digital measuring; experimental technique of digital testing电脑知识与技术(经验技巧): computer knowledge and technology电子测量与实验技术: electronic material and element measurement; technology of electronic measurement & experiment电子测试与实验技术: electronic testing technology & experiment; electronic testing technology &experiment热物理测量及实验技术: measurements & experiments of thermal science; thermodynamics & statistical physics