- artificial infection
- artificial transmission
- 实验: experiment; test; trial run
- 感染: infect; be infected with; in ...
- 实验室感染: infection acquired in the laboratory; laboratory infection
- 先验感性: transcnedental perception
- 感染: 1.(受到传染) infect; be infected with; infection 轻度感染 light infection; 手术后感染 postoperative infection; 细菌感染 bacterial infection; 防止再感染 avoid reinfection2.(引起相同的思想感情) influence; infect; affect 艺术感染力 artistic appeal; 他的笑声感染了全班同学。 she infected the whole class with her laughter.; 感染率 infection rate; 感染梅毒 syphilization; 感染疟疾 ague; 感染期 infection period; infection stage; 感染源 source of infection