实验室: laboratory中: hit; fit exactly制造: make; manufacture; produce和: mix; blend养护: maintain; conserve混凝土: concrete; beton; jetereting的: 4次方是 The fourth power of 2 i ...试验: experiment; test; trial样品: sample; specimen; prototype; ...养护混凝土: curing concrete湿养护混凝土: moist cured concrete; moist-cured concrete; water cured concrete; water-cured concrete水养护混凝土: water-cured concrete现场养护混凝土试验圆柱: field-cured cylinders铺湿砂养护混凝土: wet sang cure of concrete蒸气养护混凝土: steam-cured concrete蒸汽养护混凝土: atmospheric steam cured concrete; autoclave-cured concrete; steam curing of concrete; steam-cured concrete; steamed concrete蒸汽养护混凝土桩: autoclaved concrete pile; autoclaved unit飞行器的试验样品: boilerplate混凝土的加速养护: accelerated curing of concrete测定混凝土养护材料保水性的试验方法: standard test method for water retention by concrete curing materials通过混凝土的脉冲速度的的试验方法: standard test method for pulse velocity through concrete硬化混凝土的拨拉强度的试验方法: standard test method for pullout strength of hardened concrete实验样品: laboratory sample混凝土试验室: concrete laboratory在实验室的试验中: in laboratory testing