实验: experiment; test; trial run因素: factor; element交叉: cross connection; intersect; ...实验因素: experimental factor实验因素,经验因素: empirical factor经验因素: factor of past experience试验因素: experimental factor结核菌素交叉试验: tuberculin tine test因素型实验: factorial type experiment交叉实验: crossover experiment交叉型实验: cross-over experiment因素分析实验: factor analysis experiment交叉调幅实验: cross mod部分因素实验设计: partialfactors experimental designn全因素实验设计: full factor experimental design; fullfactor experimental designn词素交错误: morpheme-exchange error氟素交代酌: fluorine metasomatism; fluorinemetasomatism同位素交换: isotope exchange; isotopic exchange method语素交替: morphophonemic alternation试验因子选择: selection of experimental factors因素: s factor因素: factor; element 决定因素 decisive factor; 积极因素 positive factor; 关键因素 the key facter; 致病的因素 factor in the causation of disease; 社会因素 social factor; 主导因素 leading factor; 基本因素 essential element; 人的因素 the human factor; 调动一切积极因素 bring every positive factor into play; 考虑到各种因素 taking all factors into consideration; 决定战争的各种因素 various factors that determine the war; 勤奋和机遇是他成功的两大因素。 industry and opportunity were the chief factors in his success尿素交联明胶: haemaccel氢同位素交换: hydrogen isotope exchange同位素交换法: isotope exchange method