实用: practical; pragmatic; functi ...俄: very soon; presently; sudden ...汉译俄: translation from chinese into russion实用汉语: practical chinese用汉语: in chinese实用: practical; pragmatic; functional 既美观, 又实用 not only beautiful, but also practical; 一味讲究实用的 severely practical; 这本小册子很实用, 而且便于查考。 the booklet is very practical and handy of reference.; 实用语言学 practical linguistics; 实用载荷 service load; 实用织物 utility cloth; 实用制 practical system汉译德: translation, c-g汉译英: chen; chinese to english; word spelling常用汉字: jōyō kanji当用汉字: tōyō kanji当用汉字表: tōyō kanji人名用汉字: jinmeiyō kanji用汉语(表达): in chinese单词汉译英: ii chinese-english translation of wordss佛经的汉译: a study on buddhist hermeneutics in ancient china:chinese translation of buddhist sutra汉译名探析: a probe into the chinese translated names of humanism汉译姓取自: cip句子汉译英: c-e translation通用汉言之法: a grammar of the chinese languageseramporee英语长句汉译: translating the lengthy english sentences into chinese英语冠词汉译: translating the english articles into chinese奥西里斯(亦译俄赛里斯): osiris奥西里斯(又译俄赛里斯): osiris信息处理用汉字15: dot matrix font set of chinese ideograms for information processing communication subset信息处理用汉字24: dot matrix font set of chinese ideograms for information processing communication subset