

  • realization


        实现:    realize; achieve; bring abou ...
        完成:    accomplish; complete; fulfil ...
        认识:    be familiar with; be aware o ...
        完成,实现:    accomplish
        达到,实现,完成:    fulfilling that trust
        实现完成:    achieve
        实行,执行;实现,完成:    carry out
        完成, 实现, 贯彻, 执行:    carry out
        完成,实现,达到(目的):    accomplish
        完成;(实现;达到):    achieve
        完成或实现:    do, to complete or accomplish
        完成;落实;贯彻;实现;执行:    carry out
        履行, 结束, 完成, 实现, 满意, 称心:    fulfillment
        完成(任务), 达到(目的), 实现(计划):    accomplish vt
        认识:    1.(认得; 相识) be familiar with; be aware of; know; understand; comprehend; recognize 认识某人 know sb.; 认识和改造客观世界 know and change [transform] the objective world; 认识自己的错误 see one's mistake; realize one's mistake; 我不认识他。 i don't know him.2.[哲学] (头脑对客观世界的反映) understanding; knowledge; cognition 感性认识 perceptual knowledge; 理性认识 rational knowledge; 认识的客观规律 the objective laws of cognition; 认识的深化运动 the deepening movement of cognition; 认识来源于实践。 knowledge originates in practice.; 认识根源 cognitive root; 认识过程 process of cognition; 认识功能 recognizing ability; 认识科学 cognitive science; 认识论 theory of knowledge; epistemology; 认识能力 cognitive ability; 认识社会 knowledge of social environment; 认识水平 level of understanding; 认识系统 recognition system; 认识自然 knowledge of natural environment
        实现:    realize; achieve; bring about; come true; effectuation; enforce 实现改革 bring about a reform; 实现利润 profit realized; 实现四化 accomplish [realize] the four modernizations; 实现社会风气的根本好转 bring about a fundamental turn for the better in the standard of social couduct; 实现祖国统一 reunify the motherland; 成功地实现一个目标 successfully achieve an end; 实现平衡预算 achieve a balanced budget; 所有这一切都不是一夜之间可以实现的。 all this cannot be achieved overnight.; 实现语言 implementation language
        完成:    accomplish; complete; fulfil; finish; bring to success 完成使命 accomplish one's mission; 完成生产指标 hit the production target; fulfil the production quota; 成功地提前完成计划 be successful in fulfilling the plan ahead of time; 这项工作尚未完成。 the work is not completed yet. 工人们以惊人的速度完成了筑坝工程。 the workers finished the dyke with remarkable speed
        保证电厂施工顺利完成并便于实现设计要求:    assure smooth completion of the plant construction and facilitate fulfuilment of the design requirements
        认识(认识)能力:    ability of cognizance
        不认识:    incognizanceincognizant; unknown
        和……认识:    be acquainted with
        结识,认识:    kennenlernen + a
        了解,认识:    perception
        论认识:    on knowing
        认识, 结识:    pick up with


  1. "实现(目标等);获得(利润)"英文
  2. "实现,变成现实"英文
  3. "实现,变现"英文
  4. "实现,使成为现实"英文
  5. "实现,使发生"英文
  6. "实现,做到"英文
  7. "实现;获得"英文
  8. "实现;具体化;物质化"英文
  9. "实现安全运行"英文
  10. "实现霸占全球的野心"英文


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