实现: realize; achieve; bring abou ...了: finish; complete; end; fulfi ...我: I; my; me第一次: first; for the first time登高: ascend a height身体: body运动: arrange things or get things ...这是我第一次申请出国: no. this is the first time for me to apply to go abroad身体运动: body kinematics身体运动学: anthropometric kinematics这是我们第一次看见海洋: the scenery of this country is unparalleled跟在我的马后面,这可是我第一次骑马: walk beside the pony daddy, it’s my first ride.”daddy,身体运动范围: range of body movement身体运动智能: bodily-kinesthetic intelligence这是第一次: no sir. this is the first time for me当我第一次见到你: the first time ever i saw your face我第一次见到你: where i first saw your face我第一次见到你时: the first time ever i saw your face我第一次拥抱你: when i first held you我第一次坐飞机: my first flight这是我第二次来北京: it is the second time that i have come to beijing这是我第二次申请签证: this is my second time to apply for a visa这是我第五次喝这种酒: i drink a 5th for that ass初次登台;获得第一次经验: to cut one's eyeteeth某人第一次登台演出: made one's debut