We can reduce some actual experiment through the emulational experiment , it not only quickens the design but also slows the costing of the design , so more and more emulational experiment are applied to the engineering design 这种仿真试验可以减少一些实物试验,有利于加快设计进程和降低设计成本,这种仿真试验方法已越来越多地应用于工程设计。
Typical results are given to calculate mission success probability etc . in air - to - ground radar electronic combat by modeling and simulation . computer simulation is higher fidelity and full - scale than static analytical analysis , also is more flexible and lower cost than field test 说明这种方法比经典的静态解析分析评估法要全面和逼真,比外场实物试验要廉价和灵活,并且面向对象的仿真模型库可以方便地扩展到其它场景下的雷达电子战作战效能评估。
By using finite element method , full - scale tests and the strain survey method , as for the crescent - shaped wear casing , this paper has discussed on mechanism of casing collapse and its influence on casing collapse . furthermore , computing method for both uniform wear and crescent - shaped wear situation was introduced , which can be used directly for casing string design 采用有限元分析、实物试验及实验应变测量方法,研究了套管产生不均匀磨损时的挤毁失效机理及其对套管挤毁性能的影响,确定了均匀磨损和不均匀磨损对套管挤毁性能的计算方法,研究结果可直接用于套管柱强度设计和校核中。
This method was used to diagnose the structural damage in numeral simulation analyses and testing analyses . the resolution of analyses and comparison indicated that this method not only can locate the damage ( including stiffness decreasing and mass increasing ) , but also can locate the new damage without the integral property , so it is possible to be used in the long - time inspecting 本文利用该方法,通过对仿真计算和实物试验的几种损伤识别结果的分析、比较,得出以下结论:残余能量差不仅能较好的定位损伤(刚度的降低和质量的增加等) ;而且还可以在没有初始的完好指纹的情况下,利用有损伤结构之间的残余能量差确定新的损伤,因此该方法可以用于结构的k期监测。