- make the intercept
- 实施: put into effect; implement; ...
- 截击: intercept; interception; col ...
- 截击: intercept; interception; collision 截击敌军增援部队 intercept enemy reinforcement; 截击敌人的轰炸机 intercept the enemy's bombers; 截击导弹 interceptor missile; interception missile; 截击航天器 interceptor spacecraft; 截击航向 intercept heading; 截击机 interceptor; 截击雷达 interception radar; 截击器 interceptor; 截击卫星 anti-satellite system; anti-satellite weapon; killer-satellite; 截击战斗机 fighter-interceptor
- 实施: put into effect; implement; carry out; bring [put] sth. into force; enforce; put sth. in [into] practice 那些新规章将于下星期开始实施。 the new regulations will be put into force next week. 我们必须把计划付诸实施。 we must put the plan into practice.; 实施法规 enforcement regulations; 实施机构 enforcement body; 实施条例 enforcement regulations; 实施细则 inplementing regulations; 实施者 executor
- 半截击: half volley