

发音:   用"实施城镇化战略"造句
  • implement the urbanization strategy


  1. The improving productive force of agriculture and speeding industrialization make the conditions for our country to develop the urbanization mature . so , " the tenth five - year project " definitely puts forward carrying out the strategy of the city and the country
    随着农业生产力水平的提高和工业化进程的加快,我国推进城镇化的条件已经成熟,因此, 《 “十?五”计划纲要》明确提出: “实施城镇化战略,促进城乡共同进步” 。
  2. To implement urbanization strategy and accelerate it at a great speed is an importantly strategic measure in the outline of the tenth five - year plan for national economic and social development . its basic and important part is to perfect town ' s system and put emphasis on small town so that it can sprawl smartly
  3. For chlra inc1edes 13 chdpters wlth about 280000werds in al l . the book focuses on the perfect ion of urbanization mechanlm and the establ ishment of social security sy8tor in the crucial phase of carrrlng out urban ization strategy . it minly explains the fol1owing questions : first , the rpeed ing up of urban izat lon fdces some obstec les , shortage of urbanlzat ion mechani so and imperfect soclal security institution
  4. The first part is about the definitions of city , urbanization and urbanization strategy ; the second part illustrates the significance of urbanization in the social and economic development ; the third part analyzes the achievement and problems in the process of urbanization in our country ; the fourth part is about economic lessons that we can learn from america and japan and the implications of them ; the last part illustrate the measures for our country in implementing the healthy development of urbanization
  5. Four aspects are summed up : construction of new plantation production system according to the market ' s demand ; formation of industrial advantage by developing region agriculture , scale management and specialized production level ; change from the direct trade to processing trade of agricultural products ; attaching great importance to barley production , thus promoting the development of feed processing and food industrial . in the fourth chapter , the dissertation poses some necessary measures of the adjustment and escalation of hubei rural industrial structure . it mainly includes : deepening the property right system reform of rural land ; blazing new trails in the system ; reforming the rural science and technology mamgement system ; enhancing macroscopic regulation ; carrying out the cities and towns strategy ; reconstructing the structure of the agricultural development according to the comparative advantage law



  1. "实施,执行;强制,强迫"英文
  2. "实施办法"英文
  3. "实施标准"英文
  4. "实施补救"英文
  5. "实施步骤"英文
  6. "实施程序"英文
  7. "实施程序;操作程序"英文
  8. "实施措施"英文
  9. "实施的"英文
  10. "实施的法律强化了禁止强迫离婚"英文


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