实: solid值: price; value项目: item; article; clause; subje ...币值项目: monetary-value-items币值项目,固定币值项目: monetary-value-items固定币值项目: fixed dollar item货币价值项目: money value items; money-value items实值: absolute value; actual value; actual worth; intrinsic value; real number; real value流动性金融资产(货币价值项目): current monetary assets键值项: value entry数值项: number term; numeric item; numerical term真实值: true value非数值项: nonnumeric item数值数值项: numerical term按实值计算: in real terms单字长实值: single length real value极具实值: deep in the money实值;绝对值: a olute value; absolute value实值函数: real function; real valued function; real-valued function实值期权: inthemoney option; in-the_money相继实值: consecutive real value真值, 真实值: truth value实值函数序列: sequence of real-valued functions实值随机过程: real-valued stochastic process项目: item; article; clause; subject of entry; [体育] event 出口项目 goods for export; export items; 基本建设项目 capital construction project; 男子项目 men's event; 女子项目 women's event; 讨论项目 item for discussion; 团体项目 team event; 援助项目 aid project; 训练项目 training courses; 田径项目 track and field events; 营业项目 items of business; 项目支出 item of expenditure