A . on the crowning with the black hat , it will be accomplished in due course , irrespective of whether we work hard towards it or we do not 黑宝冠这件事,我们努力也好,不努力去做也好。它自然会成就的,为何呢?
Has rinpoche considered enthroning urgyen trinley dorje , wearing the black hat , at rumtek monastery in a ceremony attended by their holinesses , rinpoches and khenpos invited from the various schools of the vajrayana tradition in order to obtain their recognition ? is there such a plan 请问仁波切有没有考虑给过乌金听列多杰在隆德寺升座,戴上黑宝冠,也请藏传各派法王大堪布大仁波切来认证,请问有没有这种计划呢?