Adopts fixed point and position cleaning and drying ways by warm air cycling 采用定点定位清洗及热风循环干燥方式。
Adopts fixed point and position cleaning and cycling warm air drying methods 采用定点定位清洗及热风循环干燥方式。
When there is random error in input data , if position - keeping plan is applied , thrusters will change working status in high frequency that will lead to sever thrust wear and energy waste 当输入存在随机误差的情况下,采用常规的定点定位控制方法会导致推进器频繁改变状态,造成不必要的机械磨损,浪费很大的能量。
In this thesis fuzzy control method is applied to dp system . it has solved the problems such as accurate position - keeping , searching for most favorable heading ( mfh ) , auto area keeping control , and has acquired satisfied control effect 本文将模糊控制应用于船舶动力定位系统,解决了定点定位、艏向寻优,区域保持等问题,取得了令人满意的效果。
Unsiipervised classified was used to classify the tm image over the region . according to the data on the spot and gps , the classified result was estimated . the classified accuracy is 92 % , so the classified result is credible 本文根据野外实地调查和gps定点定位调查资料,对黄河源区植被覆盖度分级结果进行评价,整个地区植被覆盖度分级准确度达92 ,效果较为理想。