The official exchange rate is 1 silver dollar 12 ntd , limited to silver coins that carries the portrait of sun yet - sun or yuan shi - kai 公定汇率每1银元兑换新台币12圆,只限于孙文像及袁世凯像两种银元。
Given this timidity , china could replicate much of the flexibility of a managed float by shifting the yuan ' s peg from the dollar to a basket of currencies , at the same time widening the band within which the yuan can fluctuate , say to 10 % above or below the peg 由于胆怯,中国可能将人民币与美元单一挂钩转化为与一揽子货币挂钩,得出一种新的有管理的浮动汇率;同时扩大人民币波动范围,比如在绑定汇率上下10 %以内。
But we would not attempt to define quantitatively the combination of exchange rate and interest rate conditions which we may cause us concern . nor is it practicable to describe the exact forms of our possible presence , should we not feel convinced that the anomalies are reasonable 不过我们不会尝试订定汇率与利率处于哪些水平便会引起我们关注,亦不可能预告一旦我们认为市场出现的异样并不合理,我们会采取怎样的对策。