定标: calibrate; picketage; scalin ...等: class; grade; rank活动: move about; exercise的: 4次方是 The fourth power of 2 i ...日程: programme; schedule; agenda ...安排: arrange; plan; fix up; make ...我的日程安排: my schedule紧张的日程安排: a busy schedule我每天的日程安排: my daily schedule一天的日程安排: ii. scheduling a day材料和工作的日程安排: material and work schedule材料和工作日的日程安排: materials and work schedule这是明天的日程安排: this is the schedule for tomorrow日程安排: schedufing; scheduled; scheduling program日程安排器: groupwise scheduler组日程安排: grouscheduling中等活动的: moderately active高级日程安排: advanced scheduling会议日程安排: program of meeting日程安排冲突: scheduling conflict日程安排型式: scheduling patterns时间表;日程安排: schedule预约日程安排: appointment scheduling排日程计划 日程安排: schedulingprogram我们已经很顺利地把活动日程安排好了: weve arranged our schedule without any trouble