" the tender results for the note are very encouraging . there is certainly a strong market appetite for fixed rate paper issued by the hkmc , " said mr . peter pang , chief executive officer of the hkmc 按揭证券公司行政总裁彭醒棠表示:票据投标结果令人十分鼓舞,证明市场对按揭证券公司发行的定息票据存在著强大的需求。
Apart from tapping into the flourishing north american market , we will also seek new business opportunities in brazil and central asia , as well as longer term development potential in the middle east and eastern europe 管理层对二零零七的业务表现乐观,冀望能利用定息票据所筹得的额外资金,积极拓展,再创佳绩,为股东带来更佳回报。
The corporation is now formulating specific proposals to develop this market and will consult the other key players whose participation would be needed to develop fixed rate mortgage products , such as commercial banks and investors of fixed rate paper 按揭证券公司正在制定发展这个市场的具体建议,并将谘询落实建议时其他必不可少的主要参与者的意见,其中包括商业银行与定息票据投资者等。