Highly reactive and delocalized electrons would react with photons . 高度活性和非定域的电子应该能够与光子起反应。
In the volume there is certain probability the electron will be located . 在此体积内该核电子以一定的几率被定域着。
In the valence bond treatment, explicit recourse is made to classical, localized bond structure . 价键法明显依赖经典的定域结构。
If the electron is more localized, it must have a greater amount of momentum and kinetic energy . 一个电子越定域化,它的动量和能量肯定也越大。
Molecular orbitals describe the location of electrons in a molecular environment under the influence of more than one nucleus . 分子轨道可用来描述分子中在多个核作用之下电子定域情况。