

发音:   用"定型性"造句
  • constancy
  • 定型:    finalize the design; fall in ...
  • :    nature; character; dispositi ...
  • 型性:    isomorphism
  • 定型:    1.(形成并固定下来) finalize the design; fall into a pattern; become fixed and unchangeable; get into shape [form]: 他的性格已定型。his character is set.2.[医学](刻板症) stereotypy◇定型产品 approved product; 定型设计 design type; 定型装置 calibrator
  • a型性格:    type a personality


        定型:    finalize the design; fall in ...
        :    nature; character; dispositi ...
        型性:    isomorphism
        定型:    1.(形成并固定下来) finalize the design; fall into a pattern; become fixed and unchangeable; get into shape [form]: 他的性格已定型。his character is set.2.[医学](刻板症) stereotypy◇定型产品 approved product; 定型设计 design type; 定型装置 calibrator
        a型性格:    type a personality
        成型性:    compactability; compactibility; formability; moldability
        等型性:    isotypism
        典型性:    typicalness; representativeness; typicality◇典型性血友病 classical hemophilia
        多型性:    multiformity; pleiomorphism; pleomorphismpolytypism; plurality; polytypism
        二型性:    dichotocarpism
        巨型性:    gigantism
        手型性:    handedness
        同型性:    isomorphism
        异型性:    atypia
        dna定型。:    dna typing
        rh定型:    r.f.t. typing
        安定型:    inert type; quiet type; stability mode
        半定型:    semidefinite form
        不定型:    [数学] indefinite form◇不定型结构 undefined structure; 不定型植物 facultative plant
        定型,凝结:    set setting
        定型板:    calibrating plate; calibration plate; front plate
        定型的:    casehardened; modular; stereotyped; stock; typical
        定型段:    calibrating section; calibration section
        定型管:    calibration tube
        定型化:    canalization; formalization; regularization


  1. "定型文本文本文件格式"英文
  2. "定型细胞"英文
  3. "定型详图"英文
  4. "定型芯"英文
  5. "定型行为"英文
  6. "定型药包"英文
  7. "定型叶"英文
  8. "定型叶片"英文
  9. "定型用品"英文
  10. "定型杂交"英文


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