- ppgou
- 官方: authority; of or by the gove ...
- 推荐: recommend; recommendation
- 官方: authority; of or by the government; official; authoritative figures [estimates]: 以官方身分 in an official capacity; 官方 (和半官方)关系 official (and semi-official) relation; 迄今为止, 此城市电话的拥有数量尚无官方统计数字。 so far no authoritative figures are available as to the persent telephone ownership in this city.◇官方储备 official reserve; 官方代表团 delegation of authority; 官方公告 communique; 官方汇价 official rate; 官方汇率 official exchange rate; 官方机密 official secrecy; official secrets; 官方牌价 official market quotation; 官方人士 official quarters; 官方市场 official market; 官方外汇市场 official exchange market; 官方外汇资产 official foreign exchange assets; 官方文件 patent; 官方消息 news from government [official] sources; 官方邮票 official stamp; 官方语言 official language; 官方债务 official debts; 官方注册 official register
- 推荐: recommend; recommendation 推荐代用品 recommend substitutes; 推荐人员出任 ... 领导职务 recommend persons for the leading posts in; 推荐书目 best books; 推荐信[书面语] letter of recommendation
- 推荐;推荐书;劝告: recommendation