Many of them have been openly critical of the prohibitions he issued during the 20 years when he headed the roman catholic church ' s disciplinary body 其中许多人都公开对他在罗马教廷领导宗教戒律所的20年间所公布的许多规定表示不满与批评。
The group of religious believers owned their members nearly 4 million in yunnan province is an informal organization . but they exist in our current society . they believe religious for their purposes and obey religious rulers and regulations for their action behave 拥有400多万成员的宗教信徒群体是云南现实社会中以各宗教的信仰为目标,以宗教戒律和教规为行为规范、以宗教感情为纽带、以满足宗教情感为目的而自愿形成的宗教信仰型非正式群体。
The author inquiries into the relation between the taiping rebellion and taoism and the influence of the traditional culture upon the taiping rebellion by analyzing the adoration object of the bai shang di jiao , its religious rites and religious regulations , in order to get more explicit understanding on the religious substance of " the bai shang di jiao " 摘要作者从太平天国拜上帝教的崇拜对象、宗教仪式、宗教戒律等方面来探讨太平天国与道教的关系以及传统文化对太平天国的影响,以期对“拜上帝教”的宗教实质有更明确的认识。
宗教: religion戒律: religious discipline; comman ...戒律: [宗教] religious discipline; commandment; precept戒律藏: the vinaya piaka the second main division of the buddhist canon戒律宗: jielu zong; vinaya劳教戒毒: entwhnung f.mittels umerziehung durch krperliche arbeit劳教戒毒所: entwhnungsanstalt f.für die umerziehung durch krperliche arbeit主教戒指: bishop's ring出家戒律: erstglübde f.für mnche(nonnen)戒律的意义: the meaning of the precepts六大戒律: six tradition潜藏戒律: the masquerade清规戒律: the sacred rules of the religious order; interdictions and taboos; outmoded rules and conventions; restrictions and fetters; taboos and commandments; taboos and regulations深渊的戒律: saint_october似非而是戒律: the paradoxical commandment合犹太人戒律的: kosher毗那耶、律藏、强调戒律: vinaya恪守上帝的戒律: obeying god's commandments【宗教】兼俸。: plural livings【宗教】圣经。: holy bible【宗教】圣灵。: holy ghost【宗教】原罪。: original sin澳宗教: religion in macau反宗教: irreligion方言 (宗教): glossolalia