宏亮: loud and clear; sonorous的: 4次方是 The fourth power of 2 i ...嗓音: throat; voice响亮的或尖锐的嗓音: a throat of brass宏亮的: sonorousness粗重的嗓音: a gruff voice低沉的嗓音: a deevoice美妙的嗓音: a fine voice柔和的嗓音: a silken voice嘶哑的嗓音: a hoarse voice甜美的嗓音: a sweet voice微弱的嗓音: a thin voice温柔的嗓音: a soft voice圆润的嗓音: a sweet mellow voice喑哑的嗓音: a toneless voice回响,宏亮的: resonant调门高的嗓音: high-pitched voice音量大的嗓音: a voice of great volume白亮的嗓子: white throat孩子的尖利的嗓音: the high voice of a child尖利刺耳的嗓音: a shrill voice陶醉于自己的嗓音: enamoured of the sound of one's own voice听她的嗓音多脆: what a crisp voice she has! neat听她的嗓音多脆!: What a crisp voice she has! neat悦耳动听的嗓音: a pleasant voice