完美无缺: be the pink of perfection; a ...的: 4次方是 The fourth power of 2 i ...对于----是十分理想的,完美无缺的: be perfect for没有完美无缺的语言: no language is perfect完美无缺的东西是没有的: perfect things do not exist完美无缺: be the pink of perfection; as good as gold; be flawless and perfect; be [reach] the acme of perfection; faultless; leave nothing to be desired; perfect in every way; in good shape 完美无缺的东西是没有的。 perfect things do not exist欲求完美无缺的朋友必然成为孤家寡人: we shall never have friends if we expect to find them without fault; we should never remember the benefits we have offered nor forget the favor received完美无缺,尽善尽美: the pink of perfection就意味着完美无缺例如: peaches and cream完整无缺的: intact完美无疵: perfectflawless完美无暇: flawless; peaches and cream完美无瑕: flawless; perfekt /fehlerfrei/einwandfrei; touching beauty; unimpeachable完美,无缺点: leave no room for improvement完美无瑕面膜: perfect emergency mask完美无瑕的宝石: perfect stone完整无缺的;未受触动的: intact当有个人觉得你完美无瑕: when somebody thinks you’re wonderful完美无暇的后续服务: follow u flawlessly完美无瑕的商品钻石: commercially perfect研美,全然的,使完美无瑕,改进: perfect缺的: empty无缺: intact; undamaged麦当娜经典舞曲集 完美无瑕集锦: madonna-immaculate collection只要两者兼取生活才会完美无暇: it is by doing both that we live life to its fullest