

发音:   用"完全预见"造句
  • perfect foresight
  • 完全:    complete; whole; perfect
  • 预见:    predict; foresee; anticipate ...
  • 完全预测:    perfect forecast
  • 完全预应力:    perfect stressing
  • 预见:    (能预料到将来) predict; foresee; anticipate; see beyond; see beforehand 这是可以预见到的。 this can be predicted.2.(能预先料到将来的见识) foresight; prevision; second sight 缺乏预见 lack foresight; 和我们的预见相反 contrary to our expectations; 那个人竟然知道我们的到来, 他一定是有所预见。 the man must have second sight to know our arrival


        完全:    complete; whole; perfect
        预见:    predict; foresee; anticipate ...
        完全预测:    perfect forecast
        完全预应力:    perfect stressing
        预见:    (能预料到将来) predict; foresee; anticipate; see beyond; see beforehand 这是可以预见到的。 this can be predicted.2.(能预先料到将来的见识) foresight; prevision; second sight 缺乏预见 lack foresight; 和我们的预见相反 contrary to our expectations; 那个人竟然知道我们的到来, 他一定是有所预见。 the man must have second sight to know our arrival
        安全预测:    safe prediction
        安全预防:    safety precautions
        安全预评价:    safety preassessment
        全预应力:    full prestressing
        可预见:    foreseeable
        预见,预报:    forecast noun
        预见,预言:    predict v. see or describe a future happening in advance
        预见;预想:    foresight
        预见的:    forethought
        预见力:    foresight n. ability to see into the future; foresight n. ability to see into the future; predicting
        预见期:    forecast lead time; forecast time; leading time
        预见性:    anticipation; foreseeability; foresight n; predictability
        预示;预见:    prefiguration
        安全预防措施:    precautionary safety measure; safety precaution measure
        水下安全预警:    underwater security advance warning; usaw
        完全:    1.(不缺; 齐全) complete; whole; perfect 与原本完全一致的文本 a perfect copy; 她话没说完全。 she didn't give a full picture. 他对我完全是个陌生人。 he's a complete stranger to me.2.(全部) completely; fully; wholly; entirely; absolutely 得到父母的完全信任 enjoy one's parents' entire confidence; 完全不同 be totally different; have nothing in common; 完全彻底为人民服务 serve the people heart and soul; 完全同意 full accord with; complete agreement with; agree fully with; 完全脱离现实 lose all touch with reality; 完全相反 be the exact opposite; 完全一致 completely in line; entirely at one; in full agreement; 完全正确 perfectly right; absolutely correct3.[数学] exact; full; 完全报单 perfect entry; 完全变态 complete metamorphosis; 完全成熟 full maturity; 完全兑换 full convertibility; 完全对称 full symmetry; 完全关税同盟 complete customs union; 完全归纳法 complete induction; perfect induction; 完全互换 complete interchangeability; 完全竞争 perfect competition; 完全垄断 perfect monopoly; complete monopoly; 完全平衡 complete equilibrium; 完全燃烧 [热学] complete combustion; perfect combustion; after-flaming; 完全叶 [植物学] complete leaf; 完全语法描述 complete syntax description; 完全运算 complete operation; 完全组合 complete combination; 完全坐标 world coordinates
        不可预见的:    unforeseeable
        不可预见费:    contigency; contingencies; contingency sum; unexpected expenses
        不可预见性:    unpredictability
        不能预见:    unforeseeable unpredictable; unforeseeable; unpredictable


  1. "完全语法描述"英文
  2. "完全语言"英文
  3. "完全域"英文
  4. "完全郁闭"英文
  5. "完全预测"英文
  6. "完全预应力"英文
  7. "完全原函数"英文
  8. "完全约束"英文
  9. "完全约束的非晶网"英文
  10. "完全月球照度"英文


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