

发音:   用"完全转向"造句


  1. But international opinion , which had shifted behind the u . s . and left saddam isolated and open to attack , now swung in the other direction
  2. As the concentrating expression returned to his forehead , he seemed to become conscious that it was in hers too . he turned her full to the light , and looked at her
  3. Institution rigidity sod path dependence , however , made the corporate governance reforms not fully turn to the mode in the uk and the usa but adopt a gradual approach


        完全:    complete; whole; perfect
        转向:    lose one's bearings; get los ...
        全转向式:    full-castoring
        完全转导:    complete transduction
        完全转化循环因数:    elimination factor
        全转:    complete revolution; whole turn
        经碱处理后完全转变为:    cahpo4・2h2o
        转一整圈, 完全转过身来:    turn right round
        完全改变, 转向, 大转变:    volte-face
        全转速:    full speed
        安全转轮:    safety screw
        安全转速:    safe speed of rotation
        安全转移:    move to places of safety
        全转化糖浆:    completely inverted liquid sugar
        全转式电铲:    full-revolving electric shovel
        全转式机铲:    full circle shovel
        全转速(港内):    full speed
        转向:    转向turn; turn round [around]; swing; sway; change direction; change one's political position 把注意力转向重大的事情 turn one's attention to important matters; 把思想转向别处 turn one's thoughts elsewhere; 把炮口转向敌人开火 swing the gun towards the enemy and fire; 高额关税常使贸易由一国转向另一国。 high tariffs often cause a diversion of trade from one country to another.; 转向装置 transfer; steering gear
        安全转储程序:    security dump
        全转式起重机:    derrick crane; full circle crane; full rotating derrick; full-rotating crane; transit crane
        完全:    1.(不缺; 齐全) complete; whole; perfect 与原本完全一致的文本 a perfect copy; 她话没说完全。 she didn't give a full picture. 他对我完全是个陌生人。 he's a complete stranger to me.2.(全部) completely; fully; wholly; entirely; absolutely 得到父母的完全信任 enjoy one's parents' entire confidence; 完全不同 be totally different; have nothing in common; 完全彻底为人民服务 serve the people heart and soul; 完全同意 full accord with; complete agreement with; agree fully with; 完全脱离现实 lose all touch with reality; 完全相反 be the exact opposite; 完全一致 completely in line; entirely at one; in full agreement; 完全正确 perfectly right; absolutely correct3.[数学] exact; full; 完全报单 perfect entry; 完全变态 complete metamorphosis; 完全成熟 full maturity; 完全兑换 full convertibility; 完全对称 full symmetry; 完全关税同盟 complete customs union; 完全归纳法 complete induction; perfect induction; 完全互换 complete interchangeability; 完全竞争 perfect competition; 完全垄断 perfect monopoly; complete monopoly; 完全平衡 complete equilibrium; 完全燃烧 [热学] complete combustion; perfect combustion; after-flaming; 完全叶 [植物学] complete leaf; 完全语法描述 complete syntax description; 完全运算 complete operation; 完全组合 complete combination; 完全坐标 world coordinates
        全转式扒杆起重机:    full rotating derrick
        全转式反铲挖土机:    full-revolving back hoe excavator
        全转发器传输电视方式:    full transponder tv transmission mode
        避开, 转向:    sheer off


  1. "完全主权国"英文
  2. "完全专业化"英文
  3. "完全专业农作"英文
  4. "完全转导"英文
  5. "完全转化循环因数"英文
  6. "完全装备的帆船"英文
  7. "完全装料"英文
  8. "完全状态"英文
  9. "完全准确"英文
  10. "完全准素环"英文


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