

发音:   用"完全塑性"造句
  • perfect plasticity
  • 完全:    complete; whole; perfect
  • 塑性:    ductility; plasticity; briqu ...
  • 完全塑性的:    fully plastic; ideal plastic; perfectly plastic
  • 完全塑性体:    perfectly plastic body; perfectly plastic solid; perfectlyplasticbody
  • 完全塑性材料:    perfectly plastic material


  1. Perfectly plastic torsion
  2. Fully plastic torsion
  3. During calculation of the ultimate flexural capacity of composite beams , it assumes steel beam , concrete board and connecter are plastic , calculates them by ultimate equilibrium method
  4. According to the basic concept of the slip , it sets up the function of the slip strain by " mixed method " , the slip function can be got by integrating the slip strain function


        完全:    complete; whole; perfect
        塑性:    ductility; plasticity; briqu ...
        完全塑性的:    fully plastic; ideal plastic; perfectly plastic
        完全塑性体:    perfectly plastic body; perfectly plastic solid; perfectlyplasticbody
        完全塑性材料:    perfectly plastic material
        完全塑性扭转:    fully plastic torsion; perfectly plastic torsion
        完全塑性屈服:    perfect plastic yield
        全塑性力矩:    full plastic moment
        完全弹塑性体:    elastic-perfectly plastic body; perfect elasto plastic body
        完全刚塑性体:    rigid-perfectly plastic body
        完全弹塑性体系:    perfect elastic-plastic system
        全塑的:    all plastic; all-plastic structure
        全塑体:    perfect plastic body
        塑性:    ductility; plasticity; briquettability◇塑性计 plastometer; plasticimeter; 塑性记忆 plastic memory; 塑性炸药 plastic explosive
        全塑电缆:    all-plastic cable
        全塑光纤:    all-plastic fiber; apof all plastic optical fiber
        全塑料喷管:    all-plastic nozzle
        全塑模注的:    all-plastic molded
        全塑尿壶:    plastic chamber pot
        全塑汽车:    all-plastic automobile [car]
        黑白全塑相纸:    black-and-white all plastic photographic paper
        全塑料建筑物:    all-plastic building
        完全:    1.(不缺; 齐全) complete; whole; perfect 与原本完全一致的文本 a perfect copy; 她话没说完全。 she didn't give a full picture. 他对我完全是个陌生人。 he's a complete stranger to me.2.(全部) completely; fully; wholly; entirely; absolutely 得到父母的完全信任 enjoy one's parents' entire confidence; 完全不同 be totally different; have nothing in common; 完全彻底为人民服务 serve the people heart and soul; 完全同意 full accord with; complete agreement with; agree fully with; 完全脱离现实 lose all touch with reality; 完全相反 be the exact opposite; 完全一致 completely in line; entirely at one; in full agreement; 完全正确 perfectly right; absolutely correct3.[数学] exact; full; 完全报单 perfect entry; 完全变态 complete metamorphosis; 完全成熟 full maturity; 完全兑换 full convertibility; 完全对称 full symmetry; 完全关税同盟 complete customs union; 完全归纳法 complete induction; perfect induction; 完全互换 complete interchangeability; 完全竞争 perfect competition; 完全垄断 perfect monopoly; complete monopoly; 完全平衡 complete equilibrium; 完全燃烧 [热学] complete combustion; perfect combustion; after-flaming; 完全叶 [植物学] complete leaf; 完全语法描述 complete syntax description; 完全运算 complete operation; 完全组合 complete combination; 完全坐标 world coordinates
        全塑箱体,永不生锈:    full plastic case,rustless
        可塑性,塑性学:    plasticity



  1. "完全饲育:爱的40日"英文
  2. "完全饲育之赤色杀意"英文
  3. "完全饲育之女理发师之恋"英文
  4. "完全素理想"英文
  5. "完全塑性材料"英文
  6. "完全塑性的"英文
  7. "完全塑性扭转"英文
  8. "完全塑性屈服"英文
  9. "完全塑性体"英文


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