安装: install; erect; fix; mount; ...维护: safeguard; defend; uphold; k ...规则: rule; regulation; ordination ...维护规则: maintenance regulation安装维护工程师: installation & maintenance engineer使用维护规则: service regulations建筑及维护规则: recommendation推荐 劝告 建筑及维护规则: recommendation维护规程: attendance instruction; maintenance instruction维护规定: maintenance definition技术维护规程: maintenance instruction; maintenance regulation汽车维护规范: vehicle maintenance norms设备维护规程: equipment service specification使用维护规程: service instruction线路维护规程: line rule听力保护规则: hearing conservation regulations安装, 安装规则: mounting plan安装维修用专用工具: special tools for installation and maintenance安装、使用、维护、修理: arpa安装和维护: installation and maintenance安装规则: installation rule历史文化名城保护规则: conservation plan of historic cities远程安装与维护: rim remote installation and maintenance说明书规定了维护规范和维护后校准要求: the maintenance standard and calibration requirement afterward is prescribed in the instruction安装使用维护说明书: installation operation and