An installed version of one of the following base platforms 以下基本平台之一的安装版:
Excerpts need to install any software or plug - revised edition of the register installed tcpmp . smartphone . 0 . 70 . exe document is framed exe other plug - green version of the operation can copy directly to the cell phone , contains all the plug 本版无需安装任何插件或修改注册表安装版中的tcpmp . smartphone . 0 . 70 . exe文件是主程序,其它exe是插件
The latest pdf reading software , updated five moon , the perfect vga support . this is absolutely handy - cab also updated the installed version , first released version of the green , codecs can be used directly after new : cab - file for automatic install 最新的pdf阅读软体, 5月出日更新,完美支持vga ,绝对好用这次还更新了cab安装版,先放出绿色版,解压后就可以直接使用new : cab - fileforautomaticinstallationsupportforpassword - protected