安装: install; erect; fix; mount; ...产品: product; produce; fabric; ta ...已安装产品: installed products用户安装产品: customer set-up product包装产品: wrap服装产品: dress-goods散装产品: bulk supplies定量包装产品: prepack品牌包装产品: reynolds wrap branded products时装产品发展: ba fashion product development消费包装产品: customer packaged goods自行组装产品: do-it-your products大包装产品;散装品: bulk goods袋装产品干燥器: bag drier袋装产品升运机: bagger elevator产品安装图: shodrawing; shop drawing安装层次产品: installing layered products安装: install; erect; fix; mount; assemble; get-set; set up; put-on; fix assemblage 安装电话 install a telephone; 安装机器 install machinery; 安装扩音器话筒 set up a microphone; 安装蒸馏塔 erect a distillation column; 我们应派一个人去监督机器的安装。 we should send a man to superintend the erection of machinery. 推进器的叶片已经安装好了。 the propeller blade has been mounted.; 安装标记 adjustment notch; 安装程序 erection sequence; preset; 安装尺寸 installation dimension; installation size; mounting dimension; 安装垂度 erection dip; erection sag; 安装地点 installation side; mounted position; mounting position; 安装队 fitting-up-gang [team]; 安装费 mounting cost; 安装工 installer; mounter; fixer; 安装工程师 installation engineer工业电子产品的安装和维修: industrial electronics installer and repair确保产品生产线按时引进、安装和调试: ensure manufacturing lines to be introduced, mounted and adjusted for product manufacture完成公司产品的安装、调试及验收: perform installation, commissioning &acceptance test for the products产品: product; produce; fabric; tailorism 工业产品 industrial products; 农产品 farm produce; 畜产品 livestock products; 土特产品 native produce; 名优产品 brand-name, high-quality products; 产品按质分等 grade products according to quality; 有多少种产品是由尼龙制造的? how many products are made from nylon? 这家工厂现正试制一种新产品。 the factory is now trying to manufacture a new model.; 产品包装 the packing of products; 产品保险 manufactuerer's output insurance; 产品保证 warranty for goods purchased; 产品标准 product standard; 产品标准化 standardization of products; 产品差别 differentiation of product; 产品成本 cost of goods manufactured; 产品储备 products-supply; 产品定型 type approval; 产品对路 goods suited to popular tastes; 产品返销 product buy back; 产品管理 management of product; 产品广告 primary advertising; 产品规格 product standard;product specification; 产品号码 identification symbol; 产品积压 stockpiling; stockpiled goods; stockpiling of goods; 产品检验 examination and test of products; 产品鉴定 product identification; 产品目录 list of products; catalog; product summary; 产品设计 [设计] product design; 产品升级换代 upgrading and updating of products;develop new generation of products; 产品说明 description of products; 产品销售 production marketing; 产品销售成本 cost of goods sold; 产品性能 properties of products; 产品质量 product quality; 产品质量检验 production quality test 产品它是指预安装在微机上的软件操作系统: windowswindows ntworkstationwindowsxmsdos mis management information systemstem安装, 安装规则: mounting plan安置,安装: installation n installing or being installed