安: peaceful; quiet; tranquil; c ...蒂: the base of a flower or frui ...洛: short for Luoyang a surname普: general; universal河: river安蒂洛普: antelope; antilope安蒂洛普岛: antelope island安蒂洛普岭: antelope ra安蒂洛普矿区: antelope mine安蒂洛普水库: antelope res安蒂洛普 (布拉斯加州): antelope county, nebraska安蒂洛普韦尔斯: antelope wells罗恩安蒂洛普矿区: roan antelope mine罗昂安蒂洛普铜矿公司: roan antelope copper mine co洛普河: lopu sungai; sungai lopu安蒂洛: antillo安蒂洛菲奥: antilofio安蒂洛佩: antilope皮安蒂洛索: piantiloso蒂洛: thilo; thuleau; tiilo; tilla; tillo; tilo; turleau; turlot; tyllo安蒂: anti; antti; anty洛普: lapu; lopes; loup阿普河: apu sungai; sungai apu迪普河: debrook; deep brook; deep cr; deep fork; deep r怀普河: waipu river