

发音:   "安良除暴"的汉语解释   用"安良除暴"造句
  • pacify the good and do away with the cruel; bring peace to the good people and get rid of the bullies; tranquilize the good and get rid of the cruel
  • :    peaceful; quiet; tranquil; c ...
  • :    good people
  • :    get rid of; eliminate; remov ...
  • :    sudden and violent
  • 除暴安良:    (除去强暴, 安抚善良的人民) get rid of the cruel and pacify the good people; champion the good and kill tyrants; champion the people; drive out the rascals and protect the people; eliminate the evil and give peace to the good people; kill tyrants and champion the good people; remove despots and help the good people; run down the people's oppressors; to get rid of the violent is to give peace to the good people.; weed out the wicked and let the law-abiding citizens live in peace; suppress the evil and pacify the good


        :    peaceful; quiet; tranquil; c ...
        :    good people
        :    get rid of; eliminate; remov ...
        :    sudden and violent
        除暴安良:    (除去强暴, 安抚善良的人民) get rid of the cruel and pacify the good people; champion the good and kill tyrants; champion the people; drive out the rascals and protect the people; eliminate the evil and give peace to the good people; kill tyrants and champion the good people; remove despots and help the good people; run down the people's oppressors; to get rid of the violent is to give peace to the good people.; weed out the wicked and let the law-abiding citizens live in peace; suppress the evil and pacify the good
        安良:    amleang; an luong; ara; yasunaga; yasura; yasuyoshi
        安良冈:    araoka; yasunagaoka; yasuraoka
        安良田:    arata
        安良泽:    arasawa
        安良子:    yasurako
        阮安良:    nguyen an luong
        周安良:    an-liang chou
        边城除暴:    hoodlum empire
        除暴行动:    crackdown
        安良城红:    arashiro beni
        安良城红 - 恋文:    mtv 704x480
        除害安良:    remove the evil and quiet the good
        弭盗安良:    repress the bandits and pacify the people; put down [get rid of] robbery and give peace to the law-abiding
        安镰孢菌素:    emiratin
        安量:    ado; atsumi; azumi
        安镰刀菌素:    emiratin


        安良除暴什么意思:ān liáng chú bào 【解释】安抚善良的人,铲除强暴的人。 【出处】宋·李昉《太平广记》:“舍之职责,在乎除暴安良。” 【示例】《三侠五义》间在叙勇侠之士,游行村市,~,为国立功。(鲁迅《中国小说史略》) 【拼音码】alcb 【用法】联合式;作谓语、定语;含褒义


  1. "安镰刀菌素"英文
  2. "安镰孢菌素"英文
  3. "安良"英文
  4. "安良城红"英文
  5. "安良城红 - 恋文"英文
  6. "安良冈"英文
  7. "安良田"英文
  8. "安良泽"英文
  9. "安良子"英文
  10. "安量"英文


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