In 1868 the qing government sent the delegation led by anson burlingame to visit america and europe 于是1868年清政府派出以美国人蒲安臣为首的代表团访问欧美。
This event had some positive effects in history because it was conducive to the qing government ' s establishment of consulates to protect overseas chinese and the reform of traditional etiquette system and it also made contributions to the cultural exchanges between china and western countries 蒲安臣使团在历史上有着一定的积极意义,因为它有益于清政府设领护侨,改革传统外交礼仪制度,并为近代中西文化交流做出了一定的贡献。
安: peaceful; quiet; tranquil; c ...臣: official under a feudal rule ...蒲安臣: anson burlingame安辰: yasutoki安彻维: anchovy安晨明: an chenming; chenming安彻尔: antschel安城: agi; aki; anjo; anseong; ansong; yasuki; yasushiro; yen thanh安朝: yasutomo安城玻璃工业公司: an sung glass industry co. ltd; an sung glass industry co., ltd; sung glass industry co. ltd安长: an truong; yasunaga安城川: ansong chon; ansong-chon安常镇: anchangzhen