勇: brave; valiant; courageous锋: the sharp point or cutting e ...安徽省: ah.cn; anhui province安徽省明美: mingmei安徽省蚌埠市: anhuishengbengbushi安徽省图书馆: anhui provincial library安徽省进出口公司: anhui import & export corp安徽省商标事务所: anhui trademark agency安徽省国际信托公司: aitic; anhui international trust & investment corp安徽省涡阳县高炉酒厂: anhui guoyang county gaolu winery安徽省血友病管理中心: anhui haemophilia center china安徽省对外经济贸易广告公司: anhui foreign trade advertising corp安徽省教育和科研计算机网: anhui education and research network安徽省进一步实施大开放战略问题的思考: ponderations on the further open strategy in anhui province浅议安徽省红色旅游发展的意义和存在问题: significance and problems of development of red tourism in anhui province安徽: anhui (province)◇安徽大鼓 anhui dagu安徽路: anhui road安徽人: people from anhui安徽安纳达: annada安徽蚌埠: bengbu安徽城市: cities in anhui安徽翠雀: anhwei larkspur root安徽大鼓: anhui dagu安徽大厦: anhui tower安徽大学: anhui university (hefei); university of anhui