Rajasekhara reddy said while opening a hiv testing camp for elected representatives in the state assembly . andhra pradesh accounts for 1 . 5 million of india s 5 . 7 million people living with hiv aids 目前,印度全国共有570万艾滋病患者和感染者,而在安得拉邦这一数字则为150万人。
Rajasekhara reddy said while opening a hiv testing camp for elected representatives in the state assembly . andhra pradesh accounts for 1 . 5 million of india ' s 5 . 7 million people living with hiv aids 目前,印度全国共有570万艾滋病患者和感染者,而在安得拉邦这一数字则为150万人。
Chenigall suseela from a tiny village in the southern state of andhra pradesh is one of the few child brides to have fought and won a battle against the ancient practice of underage marriage in the state 在她所在的村庄里,未成年结婚的现象普遍存在并且历史久远,但像她这样敢与命运抗争的小新娘却寥寥无几苏西拉出生于印度南部安得拉邦一个贫困潦倒的家庭。
He added the state ' s animal husbandry department would organize the test to determine the paternity of the animal . village elders said the cost of the test would be borne by the villager found to be making the false claim of ownership 安得拉邦的动物管理部门将亲自出面负责本次检测工作的具体实施,以便最终判定该水牛到底与其它哪头牛具有父子关系,检测所需的全部费用将由那位最后被证明并非该水牛主人的村民来承担。
He added the state s animal husbandry department would organize the test to determine the paternity of the animal . village elders said the cost of the test would be borne by the villager found to be making the false claim of ownership 安得拉邦的动物管理部门将亲自出面负责本次检测工作的具体实施,以便最终判定该水牛到底与其它哪头牛具有父子关系,检测所需的全部费用将由那位最后被证明并非该水牛主人的村民来承担。