Second , we adopt poincare index method and local direction searching method to seek the core of the fingerprint 利用普安加莱法和局部方向搜索法对指纹的中心进行定位。
Next , we made a trip to the large township of nyanga . once before , initiates had organized a video seminar of one of master s lectures in this area 随后我们走访了一个名为尼安加的大乡镇同修曾在这里举办过师父的录影带讲座。
Languages in the new guinea turn out to be the most complicated , though the population of which only account for 0 . 1 % of the total number of the world , the language types make up 1 / 6 of the world languages 语言最繁复的地方应属新几内亚岛,这个巴布亚新几内亚和印尼的伊利安加雅州重叠的地带,人口只占全球的0 . 1 ,语言总数却是全球的1 6 。