Implementation of the safety management system 推行安全管理制度事宜
These programs should offer incentives for active employee participation in security controls 这个计划将有助于激励员工积极响应公司的安全管理制度。
Speech by the secretary for the civil service , mr joseph wp wong , at the experience sharing seminar on the implementation of safety management system on october 2 , 2002 公务员事务局局长王永平出席安全管理制度经验分享研讨会的致辞全文十月二日
The government continued to implement measures to encourage safety management on site and to spread a safety culture among all acp participants 年内,政府继续推行安全措施,鼓励工地采取安全管理制度,并向所有参与机场核心计划的人员传播安全意识。
Speech by the secretary for the civil service , mr joseph wp wong , at the experience sharing seminar on the implementation of safety management system on october 2 , 2002 公务员事务局局长王永平出席安全管理制度经验分享研讨会的致辞全文(十月二日)