安全: safe; secure; safety; securi ...的: 4次方是 The fourth power of 2 i ...副: assistant数: frequently; repeatedly水平: horizontal; level standard; ...副数水平: level除数水平: denominator level一位数水平: one digit level一场比赛的副数: length of session安全的: accident proof; approved; fail safe; good; home and dry ;safe; non hazardous; permissible; safest; scure; secure against/from; sure; the safety's off nigga, so get the fuck out my way; trouble-free安全的、平安的: safe adv安全的,获得,保卫: secure安全的;谨慎的: safe安全的地位: perch安全的港湾: safe in port安全的投资: a good investment安全的网络: secure net安全的需求: the safety and security needs安全的需要: needs for survival; security needs安全的语言: safe language安心的;安全的: secure不安全的: crazy; insecure; no fail-safe; u afe; unassured; unsafe; unsound非常安全的: foolproof公认安全的: generally regarded as safe极安全的: foolproof