

发音:   用"安全存在"造句


    更多例句:  下一页
  1. Problems in quality safety of foods in china and solutions
  2. Problems and solutions to computer network security of banks
  3. Talking about the problems existing in the information security of banks
  4. Problems and countermeasures on drinking water safety in three gorges reservoir area of chongqing
  5. School canteen is a place with high - rate occurrences of food poisoning


        安全:    safe; secure; safety; securi ...
        存在:    exist; be
        国际安全存在:    international security presence
        国际民事和安全存在:    international civil and security presences
        安全存仓:    base stock bin
        安全存储期:    safe storage time
        安全存货:    safety inventories
        安全存量:    buffer stock; safety level; safety stock
        安全存料:    safety stocks; safetystocks
        安全存款公司:    safe deposit company
        网络安全存取:    wpa wi-fi
        安全存货;安全库存量:    safety stock
        调节存货;安全存货:    buffer stock
        全存叁务器安全性:    full access server security
        全存取服务器安全性:    full access server security
        危险货物的安全存放:    safe storage of dangerous goods
        全存储:    store through
        全存取:    full full access
        存在:    1.(事物持续地占据着时间和空间) exist; be 他们完全忽略了这些事实, 就仿佛它们不存在似的。 they completely ignore these facts as if they never existed. 我们工作中还存在不少缺点。 there are still plenty of shortcomings in our work.2.(不依赖人的意志为转移的客观境界, 即物质) being, existence 人们的社会存在决定人们的意识。 men's social existence determines their consciousness
        万全存储:    hp surestore
        全存储器磁带记录:    rescue dump
        完全存取通讯系统:    total access communication system
        存在;生存;存在物:    existence
        安全:    safe; secure; safety; security 安全转移 move to places of safety; 安全到达 arrive safely; 安全行车 safe driving; 交通安全 traffic safety; 保证安全生产 ensure safety in production; 他们安全地穿过了马路。 they crossed the road in safety. 这些玩具对小孩安全吗? are these toys safe for small children?; 安全半径 [军事] radius of safety; 安全保护 safeguard; 安全保障 insurance; safety control; 安全保证 safe conduct; 安全报警器 safety alarm; 安全背心 safety vest; 安全背带 safety harness; 安全边界 safety limits; 安全标准 safety standard; 安全操作 safe handling; safe in operation; safe operation; 安全操作规程 safety operation specification; safety code; safety regulations for operations; 安全插头 safety plug; 安全场所 harbor; 安全车距 safe interval; 安全齿轮 emergency gear; 安全出口 emergency opening; emergency outlet; fire escape; fire exit; 安全措施 accident prevention; safety action; safety measures; safety method; safe practice; safety precautions; safety provision; security arrangement; 安全带 safety belt [band; groove; strap]; securing strip; seat belt; lapbelt; shoulder harness; shoulder belt; 安全挡 safety ratchet; safety catch; 安全岛 safety island; pedestrian island; refuge island; refuge; safety strip; 安全电路 safety circuit; 安全电压 safe voltage; safety voltage; 安全阀 relief valve;safety valve; blow through valve; emergency valve; escape valve; protection valve; rebound relief valve; security valve; spring reducing valve; fusible safety plug; 安全服 protective clothing; 安全感 sense of security; 安全规章 safe practice; 安全荷载 safe load; safety load; 安全火柴 safety match; 安全技术规程 emergency decree; 安全检查 safety-check; safety inspection; 安全开关 cut-out device; interlock; safety cut-off; safety cutout; safety switch; 安全帽 protecting cap; protective cap; safety cap; safety helmet; hard hat; head gear; iron hat; 安全门 exit; fire door; escape opening; 安全条例 safe-conduct; safety rules; safety regulations; 安全系数 assurance coefficient; assurance factor; coefficient of safety; degree of safety; factor of assurance; margin of safety; safe coefficient; safety coefficiency; safety coefficient; safety factor; safety margin; 安全系统 fail-safe system; safety system; protective system; 安全行车 safe driving; drive safely; 安全责任条例 safety responsibility act; 安全正点 safe and punctual running (of a train or bus)
        保存在:    store in


  1. "安全存货"英文
  2. "安全存货;安全库存量"英文
  3. "安全存款公司"英文
  4. "安全存量"英文
  5. "安全存料"英文
  6. "安全措施"英文
  7. "安全措施 防护措施"英文
  8. "安全措施, 保密措施"英文
  9. "安全搭扣"英文
  10. "安全打"英文


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