安全: safe; secure; safety; securi ...员: a surname机上安全员: in-flight security personnel(ifsp)数据安全员: dso data security officer外景安全员: location security动物饲料安全员: afss; animal feed safety staff剂量员,放射安全员: radiological safety officer特许专业安全员: cs= certified safety professional全员: the entire personnel; whole◇全员规则 full-crew rule; 全员劳动生产率 per-capita productivity; overall labour productivity; all-personnel labor productivity; labor productivity of the entire body of industrial workers; 全员培训 training all workers and staff; 全员效率 output per manshift全员部署: full deployment全员参与: involvement of people; total employee involvement; total involvement全员参治: people involvement全员承包: vertragsgebundenes verantwortlichkeitssystem für die ganze belegschaft全员持股: embo; esop全员管理: popular administration全员规则: full crew rule全员集合: ecentury全员就绪: people-ready全员培训: training all workers and staff; training of entire staff; trainingallworkersandstaff; trainingofentirestaff全员品管: cwqc; total quality control(tqc)全员聘任制: whole-staff appointment system全员效率: output per manshift全员成本管理: total cost management (tcm)全员工厂管理: total plant control全员生产维护: tpm