安: peaceful; quiet; tranquil; c ...人: human being; man; person; pe ...运: move; revolve美国印第安人运动: aim; american indian movement人运: mpla; splm科罗拉多美洲印第安人运动: american indian movement of colorado安人: yasuhito; yasundo; yasuto保安人: bao an ren西安人: tsimshian残疾人运动: sport for the disabled单人运球: solo dribble个人运动: individual exercises工人运动: labour movement科西人运: mpigo穷人运动: poor people's campaign人运劳动党: mpla-party of labour; mpla-working party私人运送人: private carriers透人运球: quick inside dribble运人运费: transportation inspokane印地安人: northwest league安人民党: antigua people's party保安人员: securities custody clerk; security assistant; security perso el; security personnel; security staff达西安人: dacian德米利安人: demerians多里安人: sparta