Benvolio : then she hath sworn that she will still live chaste 班:那么她已经立誓终身守贞不嫁了吗?
Chastity - keeping is one of the important religious practices in catholic church unexceptionally , home and abroad 摘要守贞是天主教的重要宗教修行之一。
There was a strong relationship between females and the local market development of the rural areas and rural females ' chastity - keeping also stimulated the development of the market 女性与乡村社会区域市场发育有很大关联,乡村女性的守贞也刺激了市场的发展。
The orthodox brahmanical teachers reacted to these tendencies by devising the doctrine of the four ashramas ( asramas , " abodes " ) , which divided the life of the twice - born after initiation into four stages : the brahmachari ( celibate religious student ) ; the grihastha ( married householder ) ; the vanaprastha ( forest dweller ) ; and the sannyasin ( wandering ascetic ) 传统的婆罗门导师想出了“生命的四个处所”的教条,把再生族的生命划分成四个阶段:守贞生(独身的虔诚学生) ;居士生活(结婚的家居生活) ;林栖期(在森林居住时期) ;还有遁世期(云游的禁欲者) 。