Strangeness is assumed to be a conserved quantity in all interactions that are not weak . 假定奇异性是除弱相互作用以外的所有相互作用中的一个守恒量。
Lie symmetries and conserved quantities of arbitrary order nonholonomic systems 对称性与守恒量
Formal quantum numbers embody the important characteristics of the highly excited vibrational states , and are shown as approximate constants of motion 研究表明,形式量子数体现了高激发振动态的重要特征,是体系的近似运动守恒量。
A new conserved quantity under a special potential was revealed . the feature of this quantity was discussed , and some possible applied prospects were looked ahead for 摘要提示一种特定势场下新的守恒量,并讨论此量的性质,提出可能的应用前景。
Then we construct the corresponding transfer matrix to determine the rtt integrability of dirac oscillator and gain the conserved quantities of the system according to quantum determinant 接着构造出相应的整体转移矩阵,确定dirac谐振子在rtt意义下的量子可积性的问题,并由量子行列式确定体系的守恒量族。