But these ca n ' t affect the fact that the constructor owning th ? buildings . otherwise , there ' re some other doctrines on this issue , which have some radical defects and are not useful here 此外,关于违法建筑物的归属问题,还有其它一些学说,如不登记无所有权说、动产所有权说、占有学说等,这些学说都有致命缺陷,不足取
Methods : according to the concepion meridian ' s transmission , du meridian is " the sea of yang meridians " , ren meridian is " the sea of yin meridians " and yin - yang equilibrium theory , we can guess that not only du meridian can recover the cerebral ischmia ' s harm , but also ren meridian maybe have significance 方法:根据任脉循行,从督脉为阳脉之海、任脉为阴脉之海、阴阳平衡学说等理论,推测不仅督脉对脑缺血损伤有修复作用,任脉在脑缺血损伤中可能也起着非常重要的作用。
Aims at this situation , under the basis of extensive literature review , international comparison and systematic analysis , the study is trying to provide some theory analysis and policy suggestions to help the governments and enterprises to avoid and surpass tbt , at the same time set up china ' s ow n tbt with unique chinese characteristics to protect the rational rights of china ' s agricultural products in international trade . the theories used in this study include comparative advantages of agricultural products , resource allocation and some hypothesis from welfare economics . with both theory analysis and empirical studies , the thesis makes a comprehensive comparison of tbt policy and regulations in different countries 本研究针对这种形势,在广泛文献综述、国际比较和系统分析的基础上,根据农产品比较优势学说、资源禀赋优势学说等贸易理论和福利经济学的有关理论,采用理论研究与实证分析相结合的方法,对有关国家的技术壁垒政策和法规进行全面研究和比较,结合全球经济一体化的新形势和我国农业生产、消费和贸易的国情,探索政府和企业如何在wto框架内规避和超越技术壁垒。